Saturday, April 9, 2011

Get Fit with a Towel and Some Laundry Detergent

Hey Guys!
Ok. So everyone wanted me to post a little somethin' to keep ya'll from going flabby while I go out of town... Good idea! I said. So here is a quick and dirty run down of a few of our favorites to keep you solid in my absence. It is using ABSOLUTELY NO fancy equipment (aside from environmentally friendly laundry detergent! ;) and can be done anytime, anywhere.
It's a good, basic, balanced workout that requires nothing more than a bit of motivation and a bit of floor space. Speaking of floor... I recommend using a mat or a towel for the floor exercises- mine was lost somewhere in the move and I can tell you- the hard wood floor is less comfortable than it looks!
Tip- pause the video after each exercise so that you can do a full set of repetitions before going on to the next. I didn't go very far in depth about each exercise since this is meant as a reminder/guide for those who already work with me... That said, if you have any questions or concerns just write me a little comment and I will see what I can do to address them! (...maybe even in video form! Wouldn't that be high tech and fabulous?)

Here we go!

Here's the outline of what we are doing:
-plank- 30-60sec.
-cobra- 30-60 sec.
- hip-bridge with alternating legs- 20repetitions

WORKIT: (do 3x through)
-Squat/One-Legged Squat/Lunge/Lunge-Kick- 25reps (basic squat), 15-20rep. (single leg versions)
-Push-Up- 15 reps of the hardest variation you can keep good form doing
-Bent-Over (laundry) Row- 25reps. (depending on weight of found object)

- Froggie (knees out) forward curl- 20+reps
-Froggie with Hovering Feet- 10+reps
-Froggie Full Clamshell (feet and head)- 10+ reps
-Froggie Feet Only-10+ reps
-Toe Taps- (as long as you can hold form)
-Side Plank- 15 ea side

-chest, hip flexors, quads, hammies, spine, calves etc. (or just go to yoga.)

Note: This was filmed (and originally posted) November 2009- ths the short hair and no furniture :)

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