Thursday, February 28, 2013


Ok. Those who know me know about my passionate love affair with bone broth. I'm pretty sure it cures everything. Ok maybe not eeeeevvverything but still. It's close. Majorly healing for your digestion, one of the most assimilable sources of minerals (move over calcium chews- bone broth has got you beat!), has ESSENTIAL nutrients not found elsewhere, incredible for hair, skin, and nails, builds up those bones, and, did I mention how good it is for your belly?? It's the first thing I make when anyone gets sick (got some on the stove right now in fact!), and can be life-changing when taken daily. I have a video in the works on how I make it but in the meantime here are two bone broth love videos for your enjoyment and education. I have also included a widget so you can listen to Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness (one of my faves) do an entire interview about bone broth and all its benefits (if you need more convincing:).
Note: if you are not a fan of having broth simmering for hours on your stove, you can purchase it online here from Chef Lance (the guy in the second video). You can also whip up a quick (but still super nutritious and delicious) broth in a pressure cooker but we will go into that in another post.
Sip it! Cook with it! Enjoy it! See what bone broth can do for you today! ;)

Listen to internet radio with Underground Wellness on Blog Talk Radio

A little movement inspiration for your day...

I maintain that dance is the best foundational movement you can learn. Ok, I realize that's kindof a big statement and I will say if you can find some form (ANY form) of movement your kids (or you!) enjoy then do that, but if you're starting form the ground up I still advocate for dance. Teach your kids to dance young and picking up other sports will be easy. It's true! And if they need a little inspiration just have them watch this. Its brilliant. :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

A little Inspiration From:

This is a blog post by Very Inspiring!! Pictured are cross-section views of the legs of three different people with 3 different exercise and age levels..

Here a..

40-year-old Triathlete


A new study called, "Chronic Exercise Preserves Lean Muscle Mass in Masters Athletes," which you can read HERE graphically illustrates what happens to your muscles (with and without) the type of regular and beneficial exercise that the sport of triathlon provides.

The image above is a cross section of a 40-year-old triathletes legs and the associated muscle. But the two images below are the really interesting and telling ones.

74-year-old Sedentary Man


74-year-old Triathlete


As you can tell, the 74-year-old masters triathletes legs are not unlike that of the 40-year-old triathletes legs. The study's authors go on to write:

"It is commonly believed that with aging comes an inevitable decline from vitality to frailty. This includes feeling weak and often the loss of independence. These declines may have more to do with lifestyle choices, including sedentary living and poor nutrition, than the absolute potential of musculoskeletal aging.

In this study, we sought to eliminate the confounding variables of sedentary living and muscle disuse, and answer the question of what really happens to our muscles as we age if we are chronically active. This study and those discussed here show that we are capable of preserving both muscle mass and strength with lifelong physical activity."

They conclude by writing:

"The loss of lean muscle mass and the resulting subjective and objective weakness experienced with sedentary aging imposes significant but modifiable personal, societal, and economic burdens. As sports medicine clinicians, we must encourage people to become or remain active at all ages. This study, and those reviewed here, document the possibility to maintain muscle mass and strength across the ages via simple lifestyle changes."


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Doses and Other Details

Hey Cleansers!
Nice kick off meeting today! Thanks for all your enthusiasm and patience as we get this thing rolling. Here is some of the info I said I would post including supplement dosage and timing and links for high enema supplies etc.

Your Cleanse Schedule:

Potion #1: first thing in the AM, before anything else
* 1/4t (+/- depending on your PH) Coral Legend
* 2T aloe juice
* 6-8oz water
*2-3 cap Probiotics

Wait 15+ minutes then-

Potion #2:
* 1-2 caps Medi-Clay (open capsules if you can stand it)
* 1-2t Premier Cleanse
* Splash of cranberry or pomegranate juice (optional)
* 6-8oz water

Before you shower (or before bed):
DRY BRUSH ENTIRE BODY (see video below)

With Breakfast:
*2-3 caps Cod Liver Oil

* 1 scoop Dynamic Greens
* 1-2T chia seeds (optional)
* 8+ oz water

**POTION #1 and #2 can be repeated before bed for greater benefit!**

ENEMA INFO: (check out info on enema post, but also...)

Read THIS for more detailed instructions on coffee enemas.

For Chlorophyll enemas:
*2T chlorophyll
*1 pint of purified water (see Mama's Tips below)

Mama's Tips:
I talked with my mama today (she who is champion of the 2 chlorophyll 'high' enemas twice a day as part of her treatment protocol) and she gave me some useful tips-
-Lubricate both the tube and your anus with coconut oil before insertion to make everything easier
-When doing the 'high enema' (recommended not only for deeper cleansing but also for easier 'retention'), insert the tube a little until you feel some resistance, then allow some fluid to flow in, then push the tube in further and repeat until tube is 12-18" in and comfortable.
-Do 2 one-pint enemas instead of 1 one quart enema (it's more comfortable).
- Put a heater in your bathroom (the floor gets cold)
- Put a yoga mat down under your towels so you have some cushion (that is washable)
- Get dark colored towels (especially for chlorophyll users- it STAINS!)

TO PURCHASE 'HIGH ENEMA' EXTENSION CORD see here (you want a SOFT silicone hose)

There are a hundred different opinions on how best to DryBrush so check out any videos you like. This girl is quick and to the point so I posted her video below:

Monday, January 9, 2012

THE ENEMA!! dun dun DUUUN!!!

Ok guys! As our cleanse start date rapidly approaches I thought I would start prepping us all with some instructional videos etc. so we can hit the ground running on Cleanse Day (aka the 15th)! Most pressing on my mind has been the dreaded enema... I have never done one, never seen one done, but have been so impressed with the results and benefits I've seen from other people who have done them that I had to put them in as part of the cleanse. So! This leads us to the pressing question...
How does one actually do an enema?
I think we all have a general idea but for a few more nitty gritty details I gathered up a few resources for y'all...
HERE is a link to some detailed written instructions for what's called a 'high enema' meaning a tube is inserted 12-20 inches into the rectum for optimal liver stimulation etc. The kit you have been supplied with for the cleanse will allow for a regular 'cleansing' enema and if you want to go for the 'high enema' you will need to purchase a soft extension tube separately. That said, this is a good article to read over as he is very thorough and covers all the bases (for high or regular procedures). Note- Dr. Kelly was a prominent cancer doctor so this article is written for his patients.
Being a visual person myself, I scoured Youtube for a decent video instruction and below was one of the better ones. Ignore the terrible bajans and the blatant hippiness of it all and it's a decent video. :) The dude (aka brother Echo) also gives recipe for a more boosted up coffee enema that includes aloe and probiotics which I encourage you to try (both are included in your cleanse supplies).
Note: for those of you doing CHLOROPHYLL simply put 2T chlorophyll in the bucket full of PURIFIED water (plus the probiotics and aloe if you so desire) instead of the coffee.
Ok? OK!
Let me know how it goes for you in the comments, k?

REboot Enema Recommended Usage: Up to 1 enema per day or as few a 1 per week depending on your schedule and desired results. Yeehaa!! ;)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

REboot 40 Day Cleanse Program!

Introducing... THE CLEANSE!!

Ok. Before we go any further I should clarify that this is not your traditional Eat-Nothing-But-X-Cleanse. Rather this is 40-day super-health program designed to, yes, gently cleanse toxins etc. from your body, but also to reset the way you eat and get deep nourishment into your body. Many (dare I say, most) Americans are overweight but they are also UNDERnourished; their bodies simply aren't getting the nutrients they need (either because they aren't present in the diet in the first place or because their digestion is not functioning well enough to properly assimilate the nutrients from the food. The Reboot program, therefor, is a two fold path that focuses on cleansing out the bad and building up the good.

1. Cleanse: gently and effectively remove any toxins or build-up that may be holding up or damaging the system. This is done by:
a. Dry Brushing- each REboot pan includes 1 dry brush to be used on the skin daily. The skin is the largest organ in the body and one of our primary ways of eliminating toxins. The exfoliation from dry brushing helps increase skin cell turn-over in addition to stimulating circulation.
b. Premier Cleanse Powder (by Premier Research Laboratories)- This is a psyllium husk and botanical blend that helps to "rejuvenate the body by cleansing waste particles", cleansing the digestive system. To be taken with aloe and cranberry juice for deep digestive support.
c. Coffee (or Chlorophyl) Enemas- OPTIONAL. Totally up to you, if you want to brave these but those who do are promised incredible benefit. The primary goal of these is not only a cleansing of the colon but a particularly effective cleansing of the liver (heres a little article that says more).
d. Diet- following one of the two dietary options of the Reboot program will help ensure that all the work you are doing to cleanse is not being put to waste by toxins in your diet. :)

2. Re-Build & Nourish: a hyper-dose of super-nutrients to restore balance and boost the system.
*Cod Liver Oil (Premier Research Labratories)- incredibly pure U.S.P. grade oil from Norway is rich in D3, A, and E Vitamins as well as EPA and DHA. Super boost for brain, immune system, hormones and mood, bones and joints and more.
*Coral Legendtm(PRL)- Made from fallen coral on the sea floor off japan (sustainably harvested- I checked!) which are said to be the "most assimilable source of alkalinizing minerals in the world". The product will be address mineral deficiencies (with improved calcium uptake thanks to being taken with the above cod liver oil) and target the body's pH to improve alkalinity. (Taken with Aloe Drink or Powder for optimal uptake in organs and glands.)
*Quantum Probiotic Complextm (PRL)- broad spectrum probiotic culture to help re-establish healthy intestinal flora (essential to good health, immunity and digestion). This particular one is interesting because it is made from 92 different herbs and barks cultured over 5 years and is certified to be 6.5 times stronger than any other lactic acid bacteria (oo lala! ).
*Dynamic Greenstm (aka 'Green Drink') (Metagenics)- one of my favorite products out there. Tastes great and is packed with more super foods, grasses, plant enzymes, and antioxidants than they can practically fit on the label. To be drunk in morning or afternoon in-between meals with a spoonful of chia seeds for extra digestive support and health boost benefits.
Diet: in addition to the supplements and cleansing procedures etc. the other big part to the program is the diet. This will probably be the most challenging part for most people but also promises to be the most rewarding. Reboot has two Nutritional Paths you can take, one moderate and one more extreme, but both will help re-set your system and get you feeling better than ever before. Both start with a day of bone or bieler broth and veggies (will explain more during first class). Here's the breakdown:

Veggies: ALL- with extra love for dark leafy green vegetables, and a little less love for the sweeter veggies like tomatoes, carrots, and beets.
Meats/Fish/Eggs: ALL (Organic strongly encouraged, red meat only if grass fed, bacon etc. only if nitrate free). Range-free organic eggs encouraged.
Grains: ONLY IF SPROUTED (more info on how/why during class), or ancient and seed-type grains like quinoa, wild rice (actually a seed- interesting, no?), and millet.
Beans/Legumes: ALL
Dairy: ONLY IF RAW or low-temperature pasteurized (I will give you resources for this if desired) from pastured cows or goats.
Fruit: berries, green apples, lemons, limes, grapefruit, allowed once per day. All other in moderation (no more than 3x/week).
Sweeteners: Stevia, Lo Han Guo (buy it HERE on amazon), and minimal (no more than a tablespoon/day) amounts of raw honey or pure maple syrup. Absolutely NO sugar in any form, artificial sweeteners, corn syrups etc. (this is BIG- this change alone will rock your world).
Fats: all non- artificially made fats allowed including animal fats, coconut products, and oils of grape seed, olive, sesame, coconut, and flax. If it has hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats, just throw it away (cleanse or no cleanse you don't want that!).
Beverages: NO ALCOHOL, no sugared or sweetened beverages (stevia soda ok in moderation), no more than ONE cup of organic coffee or black tea per day (try for none if you can handle it), and avoid all other artificially flavored anythings. Kombucha, coconut water, kefir (unsweetened), lemon water, un-sweetend cranberry concentrate plus stevia or lo han, and green and herbal teas are all OK.

Same as above except NO grains (sprouted or otherwise), NO dairy of any form, NO caffein, NO fruit, and No sweeteners other than stevia and lo han.


So! There will also be a major group support component to this that I feel will be critical to ensuring that you all not only have fun, but are able to stick to it for the full 40 days, and come out the other side feeling better than ever. During our first Cleanse class (currently set for Saturday, January 14th from 9:00am-10:00am) you will find a buddy who will help you take your measurements etc. and will be your support buddy for the rest of the cleanse. Those of you doing this remotely will be assigned to ME and we will have a lovely Skype date set up every other week (with text, phone, and email support in the interim). The buddy system along with the classes at the studio (or online) will help keep you on track and motivated so the above protocols can do their magic on you without interference from doughnut cravings etc. ;) The Studio-R Facebook page will also serve as a virtual gathering place for cleansers to post updates, recipes and resources, or just call out for support. There's a big gang of us doing this so together we shall not fail! ;)

Cost: $240 which includes all of the above supplements, books, REboot classes, etc. plus a surprise prize at the end for all finishers!

TO PURCHASE THE CLEANSE follow this link and go to the online store tab (then shoot me an email at to make sure I get your registration!)

RSVP: by January 6th (deadline extended!)

Get ready to feel better than you have in years!


Monday, October 31, 2011


It's happening folks! Lululemon Trunk Show and Grand Opening Party at Studio-R! Tell everyone because it's going to be quite the event...

DATE: Sunday, December 4th from 1pm-4pm
LOCATION: Studio- R 1600 Lena Street suite A6

See you there! More details coming soon...
